
Crêpes: Conservation and regeneration times

The following question has been received in our “ask our chef” section. Hello Chef! How long can I keep a vacuum-packed crêpe for? Also, I would […]

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Which fish do you recommend for advance preparation?

Our corporate chef Enrique Fleischmann has received the following question: What fish do you recommend we include in our menu? It needs to withstand cooking at […]

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I have frozen goods, how does that influence cooking times?

We have received the following question in our “Ask the Chef” section. I live in an area where most products are bought frozen. How does that […]

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How can I vacuum cook fresh beans at a low temperature?

A user asked us the following question in the “Ask our chef” section. How do I vacuum cook fresh beans at a low temperature? This was […]

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How do you evaporate alcohol when cooking food sous-vide?

We received the following question in the “Ask our chef” section. Hi, Chef! I have a question. When cooking food sous-vide with alcohol, given that the […]

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Foie gras in jars

In the “Ask our Chef” section, a user posed the following question. Is it possible to cook foie gras in 250g jars in the thermocirculator at […]

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