Apple12’85 ºC / 185 ºFApple strudel; Apple nest; Green apple soaked in mojito with lemon ice cream
Banana20’65 ºC / 149 ºFNamelaka sponge with sous-vide cooked banana
Cherry20’83 ºC / 181 ºFMacerated cherries with yoghurt ice cream
Coconut40’83 ºC / 181 ºFFrothy coconut ice cream
Custard20’83 ºC / 181 ºF
Figs40’63 ºC / 145 ºFRaspberry gazpacho
Kiwi20’80 ºC / 176 ºF
Melon20’65 ºC / 149 ºF
Orange confit in syrup (blanched previously)2h65 ºC / 149 ºF
Papaya45’64 ºC / 147 ºF
Peaches in syrup45’80 ºC / 176 ºFRoasted peaches in syrup
Pear15h72 ºC / 162 ºFPear in red wine;Red wine poached pears (transparent pears)
Pear purée1h83 ºC / 181 ºF
Persimmon35’83 ºC / 181 ºF
Pineapple30’80 ºC / 176 ºFPiña colada cannelloni; Pineapple at 70ºC / 158ºF, coconut and rum
Plum20’65 ºC / 149 ºF
Pomegranate water30’80 ºC / 176 ºF
Raspberry juice45’65 ºC / 149 ºFGazpacho de frambuesas
Watermelon20’65 ºC / 149 ºF
*Note: All cooking times and temperatures are approximate.