What need is there to program a cooking time?

In our Ask the Chef section, a user asked the following question: What need is there to program a cooking time when the end of the […]

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Can we insert the bag without the water having reached the desired temperature?

A user asked the following question: Can we insert the bag with the food in the vacuum before the water has reached the desired temperature? This […]

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Vacuum-packed onions, but crispy?

We received the following question in our Ask the Chef section. “Hello, Chef. How can I cook Tropea onions with vacuum cooking to make them crispy?” […]

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Is it possible to make broths and stocks with vacuum packaging?

A user asked us the following question in the Ask the Chef section. “Is it possible to make broths and stocks with vacuum packaging?” This is how […]

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Differences in temperatures and time

We have received the following question in the Ask the Chef section. “My question is about the differences in Temperatures and Time between the tables, recipes, forums, books, […]

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How can I blast-chill without a professional chiller?

A user asked us the following question. “I would like to learn what is the entire process for blast-chilling without a blast chiller and the temperatures and time I […]

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